The Split Sleeve Cold Working system includes making the start hole, cold working the hole and reaming the hole to final size. It is imperative that the process is applied correctly in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s specifications.
1. Drill start hole with Start Drill.
2. Ream hole with Start Reamer.
3. Check hole with the “go/no-go” gauge of the Combination Gauge.
4. Check Mandrel with Mandrel Gauge.
5. Slip Split Sleeve over Mandrel.
6. Insert the Mandrel and Split Sleeve into the workpiece.*
7. Hold Puller with Nosecap firm against workpiece.
8. Cold Work the hole by activating the Puller Gun until the Mandrel is pulled through the Split Sleeve. The thickness of the sleeve and the mandrel’s major diameter expands the hole radially. The lubricated split sleeve protects the hole and permits the mandrel to exert radial forces in the material.
9. Pull out and discard used Split Sleeve. The hole has been cold worked and is surrounded by residual compressive stresses.
10. Inspect the cold worked hole, using the “go” gauge of the Combination Gauge.
11. Ream hole to final size with the Finish Reamer. Countersink if indicated.
* Split sleeve on Mandrel with Nosecap inserted into workpiece. (exaggerated dimensions):
* An axial ridge remains through the bore of the cold worked hole. The ridge is formed at the sleeve gap and is an indicator that the hole has been cold worked. The axial ridge is removed when the hole is reamed to final size.